As a general rule, we don’t include many MOTU characters in this column because Mattel promises a complete roster. That means we’d just be asking to move them up on the schedule. But there’s a movement out there for a MOTU character likely not on Mattel’s roll call… “Blonde Bikini” Teela.
In 1982, DC Comics published a version of the Masters Of The Universe slightly different than the one that had been building in the early mini-comics. It was this DC series that established the duality of Adam/He-Man, Eternia, and many other elements that ultimately made their way into the Filmation cartoon. But there are some elements unique to this mini-series and one of the designs used for Teela is one of them.

Teela had already appeared as the toy we all remember by the time this comic hit newsstands, but, for whatever reason, the creators gave her a more barbarian look befitting of a sword and sorcery comic (she does sport her traditional costume in later issues). After the series ended and the mini-comics were aligned to better cross-sell with the cartoon, Teela’s barbarian gear was pushed to the side. But MOTU Classics, with its wide lens on MOTU history, gives fans an opportunity to bring this particular look back and create what we think would be snazzy action figure. She’d easily fit into the line as an A-list refresh, but what if she’d didn’t need to be Teela in the Classics mythos? I’d be happy to see her as a compatriot of other inserted characters like Vikor or Wun-Dar.
There is already a lot of support out there for the inclusion of this character. There’s a healthy thread about her at He-Man.Org (definitely check out the fan art in the later pages) and she’s been featured in Ask Mattel questions at AFP and at He-Man.Org. If ever there was a character on the MOTU Classics bubble that could use a little push, it’s “Blonde Bikini” Teela – though she will need a better name.
In related news, this will be our last Most Requested article, at least how you’ve come to know them. While the article started out with a strong response, it’s been in decline for the last few months. We’ve gone quite a while without a submission and the article views/comments aren’t where we would like them to be, so next year we’ll be replacing it with a new feature – look for that in January. Most Requested will continue, free of the weekly schedule, appearing as needed throughout 2011. And if we have enough candidates towards the end of the next year, we’ll likely run a poll to crown an IAT 2011 Most Requested figure.
As for the IAT 2010 Most Requested figure? That is still on as scheduled with the polling to begin next week! Due to the decrease in submissions (and some disqualifications), we don’t have a full compliment for Round 3. So, we’ll likely bring in the runners up from Rounds 1 and 2 to fill out the Round 3 Semi-Finals Poll. That poll will begin next Thursday, the 16th, and run for about a week. The finalists will be announced on Dec 23rd and the Final Round will run until the end of the year with the winner announced on Monday, January 3rd. Check back next week to vote!
I keep having the feeling that she will be the 2012 Club Eternia figure.
I wouldn’t doubt the sub promo figure thing, either.
As for a better name, if she’s still Teela, how about “Barbarian Teela?”
I can’t help but wonder if at some stage this was meant to be proto-She Ra or some such. I see a female character wearing He Man’s gear with the needed additions for modesty’s sake (and it’s a tradition, you can’t have a steel bra and not have bicep bands).
But…if you picture Mattel in the old days making this fig using mainly the He Man buck….MY EYES! NOOOOOOO!
Bikini Teela would be great Motuc figure.If Mattel ever makes her.
Crazy Idea! How about Teela’Na? As in the Falcon Lady that hads out swords and was “cloned” in order to make the current Teela? (or shagged with Fisto… or was it Duncan? We need to see Po-Vich: The Heroic Master of Paternity tests in order to find out.)
dude, this is too easy… wun-dar is the savage he-man, and this is wun-dar brah, his courageous female companion. come on, that didn’t even require work. :p
and i think i have to petition the robot chicken guys to get on Po-Vich STAT! brilliant he-mullet!!
I fully approve of this figure, only so I can make another Red Sonja with it.
This would be easy to make. The amount of fervor over on the Org is near comical though. They just give her a freaking new name already as a new character. I like the idea of a Red Sonja type companion. Maybe for Vikor. But what about the supposed road map. It will upset everything, even though we know it doesn’t really exist. IF AND WHEN…
Yeah, they already ripped-off Conan so why not Red Sonja? 😛
I’m down for this.
I’d be happy to see her in the line. It’d make for an interesting variant.
Yes very much!
You’ve got my vote.
Sign me up! This would be an awesome subscription figure!