BigBadToyStore Newsletter
New G.I. Joe Pre-Orders

Big Bad Toy Store’s more recent newsletter featured a nice surpise! The 50th Anniversary Joes revealed back at Toy Fair as a TRU exclusive will actually be a shared exclusive and are available for pre-order at BBTS:

Outnumbered Team Pack Wave 01 – The Eagle’s Edge (Leatherneck, Hawk, Destro)
Vehicle Pack – Battle Below Zero (Cobra Wolf / Ice Viper vs. Arctic Sky Hawk / Arctic Snake Eyes)
Vehicle Pack – Danger At The Docks (VAMP MkII / Flint vs. Cobra Eel / Night Landing Craft)
Versus Two Pack Wave 01 – Heated Battle (Blowtorch vs H.E.A.T. Viper)
Versus Two Pack Wave 01 – Night Marksmen (Low-Light vs. Night Viper)


7 thoughts on “BigBadToyStore Newsletter
New G.I. Joe Pre-Orders

  1. Done! I was afraid that these wouldn’t show up at my local TRUs or their web site in time for me to grab ’em.

    Thank the plastic gods for BBTS and to IAT for the additional heads-up!

    1. I assume the Wolf/Hawk set is more expensive because the manufacturing costs are higher. There’s a lot more raw plastic in that box than the set with the raft.

  2. I ordered the 2-Packs. I ain’t buying the 3-Packs for one figure each. And Snoresville on the vehicles. Where’re the Thunder Machine, STUN, and Night Raven SP3?

  3. Man like to own all figs. Want some updates to some figs easily. So what happened to the baroness 2pack or is it later?

    1. Knowing BBTS, they’ll only have the Lady Jaye/Baroness 2-pack available if you buy a whole case. They’ve been doing that (not making the shortpacked figures available on their own) with Marvel stuff for a while.

      I don’t blame them, though. It’s like someone said in a previous review about female action figures–if they made a character like Black Widow available on her own, people would just buy her and solid cases wouldn’t sell as well.

      I DO, however, blame Hasbro. Again, two signature female characters in a store-exclusive two-pack? Oh no, THAT won’t be a pain in the ass to find…

  4. The vehicles are sold out and I missed them. Picked up the rest. Need to hope that I can catch the vehicles locally.

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