Ask Matty – September 15th Edition
We need your questions for the next round!
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MOTUClassics.Com: Did the 4H sculpt a classicized 200x Buzz-Off head?
The Horsemen sculpt TONS of unrequested parts that are not costed into the figures, but we can’t comment on any specifics.
MOTUClassics.Com: In a recent Q&A, an answer about future Trollans in the MOTUC line mentioned that you could do “others of our own creation”. Does this mean that new/original characters are now a possibility?
Sure, but nothing to announce now.
DCClassics.Com: All the DCUC new bucks that debuted at SDCC have increased articulation. Will this new articulation become the norm for all bucks?
No. We will only use added articulation when it makes sense for the character.
DCClassics.Com: When might Mattel get back to putting some New Gods back into the DC Classics line. There’s still a few key characters missing from that group.
We are looking at adding more New Gods down the line. We do know there are a lot of fans of these Kirby creations and they are very toy-etic!
MOTUClassics.Com: Can you clarify some upcoming dates for the DCUC waves? What are the target dates for DCUC14, 15, 16, and the first wave of Green Lantern classics?
Unlike DVDs and books, there are not specific on-sale dates for toys. There are a lot of logistical issues that go into toys that can throw off release dates. Needless to say we hope to have Wave 14 and 15 out by this fall.

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That last comic = awesome.
PS See also http://www.superherotimes.com/newsarchive/005452.php for another of those. “No cloth capes at all in DCUC to keep the line consistent.” Sadly, there isn’t a picture of Trigon under that answer.
Had we got that answer over here, Trigon showing up would’ve been a foregone conclusion, but I probably put too much work into thse Q&A’s. 😀
Great little comic there.
Thanks, Newt!
I really hope this comes out for the classics line! This is awesome! HA!
The matty order days are so dreaded long! I don’t get why they haven’t fixed that system after this long!
OOPS! Messed up my post above….
I really hope this comes out for the classics line! This is awesome! HA!
Unreleased Vintage He-Man Commercial
The matty order days are so dreaded long! I don’t get why they haven’t fixed that system after this long!
I think it costs more to increase the DigiRiv bandwidth and Mattel would have to pay for that out of pocket with little to no benefit to them.
I could see them doing a Trollans or Eternian creatures multi-pack other than Army Builders once the All-In Sub kicks in next year as a “bonus item.” They need something to hawk on the website to keep subscribers returning to the website other than Quarterly Weapons Paks and 1 semi-confirmed vehicle in 2011.
I’m happy with the notion of new characters. Not really big on a bunch of trollans, but I’d love the 4H to get a few new characters into the mythos.
I’m annoyed at how long it has taken Wave 14 to hit Walmart. I feel like I picked up wave 13 soo long ago and have been waiting for 14 to hit for months. I’m worried that 14 and 15 will come out too close to one another and I’ll have trouble finding both since I find most of my figures at Walmart and I have to wonder which line will come in and be stocked first.
Awesome job on that photoshop! It looks like the real thing!
LOL I would’ve liked that answer better.
Do notice though that there is no issue with Bow’s third head and they’ll happily tell us about that one even though they can’t comment on specifics.
Ironically, whether they intended it or not their answer means Yes.
so, i had this epiphany… to get the message across w/ mattel about how objectionable the phrase “anime hyper detail” is, from now on, we should refer to the vintage line as “80’s smooth and featureless detail.” so like, “motuc he-man has only one head so far, and that’s in the 80’s smooth and featureless detail… is there any way we can branch past this smooth and featureless design and attempt one of the other numerous vintage he-man looks?
LOL. We need our “Bland Cartoon Detail”.
The Q&As were wacky this go round some sounded like they got answered by a nice dude and some by a jerk (yeah, you got the jerk). Great comic, btw. You should send it back to them. LOL
I feel this way month-to-month. Nothing any of us can really do about it except to stop participating.
That Skeletor comic is a riot!
(ARGGH! I posted this on the wrong page! How did I do that? Can someone please erase the one on the ‘Starman’ page? I could just die from embarassment!)
in re. the New Gods question, what about this?
Oh, wait, that’s DC Direct, right? But isn’t DCD just another way Mattel has been trying to catch up to what Marvel was doing with their superhero figures with the direct market?
I’m so confused. Or just way behind. I’ve just always assumed that Mattel was making DCD for Diamond under contract, as until they bought up Art Asylum Diamond didn’t have any in-house production ability…
Screw it. I want a Forever People set with a C&C of their super awesome bike. And then the New Newsboy Legion with Kirbyized Jimmy Olsen and a C&C of the Wiz Wagon. I’m clearly insane. 🙂
LOL. I answered you over there. I can’t swap the comments around (well, I think there’s a messy way to do it, but still…)
Ya know, I was thinking some more about the answer about the alt. head for Buzz-Off.
Is it just me or does there seem to be exasperation, or frustration contained within that answer? As in: “We just don’t understand it! We GIVE them the specs and can the 4H just do what we tell them to do and let it go? NO! They add heads, they sculpt weapons, they do ALL THAT WORK and we just can’t understand it!”
Seems that way to me at least. How dare the 4H do more than the absolute bare minimum required!
(and it shows the short-sightness of Mattel. Every accessory tooled up is an investment that can potentially be repurposed. Weapons packs, stands, that’s high profit margin product there)