Transformers Week continues with today's look at Turbo Tracks from the Reveal the Shield line. Don't let that yellow fool you, Tracks is right at home with your Generations line toys. Tracks proved a bit difficult for me to find at first, but I had to have him. He's always been one of my favorites Transformers.
Transformers week races on and it’s my turn to deliver the next review. Fingers crossed, I hope I get a good one. Reaching into the pile of unreviewed toys, it looks like I’ll be taking us back a couple weeks with Generations Blurr.
Looking at our piles of unreviewed toys, there are quite a few Transformers piled up. That means it's time for another theme week! Every day this week, Vault & I will be reviewing a recent Transformers release. Mainly, Generations, but some RtS will find it's way in too. Today, I take a look at (Sergeant) Kup.
You wouldn't know it from looking over our recent reviews, but I've bought a lot of the Generations TFs. I should probably get to reviewing those - some of them have been waiting for awhile, but I wanted to rush Scourge to the front of the line. I've always been a Scourge fan and I'm ecstatic he's finally got a cool toy.
Got that morning after feeling? I know I do. I not only spent all weekend being abused by toy companies trying to take their money, I foolishly vowed to have all the IAT Checklists updated before the weekend was out (they are!) Once I was done, I remembered there was still that little matter of doing some Armchair Coverage...
One of my favorite Transformers figures from last year was the Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown. So when Hasbro announced they would be reusing that body for the Hunt for the Decepticons Axor figure, he definitely joined my buying list. The only problem was I just couldn’t seem to find him anywhere.
Well, my long search is at an end. After months of making the rounds between my local Wal-Marts, Toys R Us, and Target, I finally found a Transformers: War for Cybertron Soundwave. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had to hunt for a figure that hard, but lucky for me, I think it was worth it.