ItsAllTrue.Net Toy Run: Case of the Missing DC Classics…

We're going to try something a little different today. Well, it's not really different then what we normally do, but we don't usually take pictures. You know the drill. You get up and you think you could get lucky today. You get ready and put on some nice clothes so you can at least feel presentable if you happen to get checked out. You hop in the car and travel to whichever place you've deemed best to satisfy your desires. You arrive with giddy anticipation. It's now or never, you tell yourself as you round that last corner. What awaits? Will it be great joy or intense dissatisfaction?
That's right, you're on a Toy Run!

Mr. Rant asks “Are DCUC Fans Second-Class Collectors?”

“Why are Moss Man’s ears fuzzy,” was the cry of many a teary-eyed MOTU Fan on the .Org and at the Facebook page last week. Me? I don’t really care either way. I know how the industry works in regards to prototypes and my subscription was submitted months ago. Some version of Moss Man is coming no matter what and personally I don’t care if I can see his ears or not. I was surprised at how much flocking Mattel had been able to load him up with. This, as I recall, was what fans wanted when we first heard there would be problems. But instead of being grateful that Mattel was able to deliver an almost completely flocked (and very vintage) Mossy or reasonable that it would be an easy fix, the noisiest among us MOTU fans tore their clothes and gnashed their teeth because his ears had disappeared under a layer of flock. Always a classy bunch.

ItsAllTrueReview: DCUC11 Green Lanterns: Kilowog, John Stewart, & Katma Tui

We're still a little backed up so instead of our usual two-at-a-time reviews, we're attempting a rare three-at-a-time DCUC11 review to catch up. We're pretty sure we can pull it off. We're trained professionals (bwa-ha-ha-ha) and we've been working hard and ordering in all weekend.*

* - If working hard means playing video games and being glued to the internet for Gallery 1988 MOTU pictures, then we were definitely working very, very hard.

We're kicking things off in a big way with the three Green Lanterns from Wave Eleven: John Stewart, Katma Tui, and the big guy himself, the Collect & Connect Kilowog!