Category: DCClassics.Com
Packaged Wave 11
If you're one of the lucky few that is caught up on DC Classics (Ha!), your vacation is coming to an end. Thanks to Fwoosher tsr, ActionFigurePics has a first look at the packaged figures from wave eleven. Now, these have not hit retail yet, but soon, fellow collectors, soon...
For some other tidbits from tsr check out this discussion on the Fwoosh.
Mr. Rant’s “Bad Haul Day”
I feel defeated today. It’s been a busy week and this is the first time I’ve had a chance to sit down and open last week's Matty figures.
Now, I don’t expect perfection. That’s an impossible order. But I do expect equal pay out for the amount of money I spend. These Matty toys are supposedly a “collector’s” line. But I’m not even sure if Mattel knows what that means sometimes
Ask Matty
November 2nd Edition
Ask Matty
November 2nd, 2010
It’sAllTrue.Net Custom: DC
Classics Super Powers Mr. Freeze
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First Look @ DCUC Variants
ItsAllTrueReview: Atrocitus & Saint Walker
One of the difficult realities of the toy world is lead time. If a toy company sees a property that has potential, they can't really strike when the iron is hot. The production process is simply too complicated and drawn out between conception and retail. By the time the product reaches stores, that potential may be nothing more than a lump of hard coal. So toy companies do what they can to mitigate lead time, and DC Direct is one company that has a unique advantage - they are part of DC Comics and can release action figures during the comic events the toys are appearing in. This time, DC Direct has released the first wave of Blackest Night figures right in the middle of the crossover of the same name. These aren't just action figures, they're little plastic tie-ins.