Checklist Updates!
Star Wars, 4 Horsemen, Ghostbusters, & Batman

Another day closer to the big show and more updated checklists. The smaller checklists have been run through to make sure they have the latest information.

The biggest update was to the Star Wars: The Black Series Checklist. Waves 4 & 5 were added along with the most recently announced exclusives: SDCC Exclusive Jabba the Hut in his cardboard throne room and the Walgreen’s Exclusive “Prototype” Boba Fett. That last one in particular has me excited. I love that white Boba Fett costume for some strange reason. Review links were added for the Series 2 & 3 figures that have been reviewed up to this point!

Ghostbusters Checklist. This had been marked as complete, but I noticed that the GITD Slimer, the “Thank You” to subscribers had not been added. I’ll get a quick pic of that up soon. Until then, we also had new figures to add to this checklist after a year-long hiatus! It turns out Mattel is going ahead on the main four Ghostbusters with removable Proton Packs. These will be available in two 2pks later this year. Does my Winston-completism dictate my buying the 2pk he’s included in? Only time will tell…

With the Kickstarter Ravens imminent arrival, it was also time to get them added to the Four Horsemen Checklist! The birds are now listed in all their glory as we await a firm release date. I’ve been considering adding the OSM & Power Lords to the 4H checklist, but it feels like those licensed lines should have their own. Any thoughts?

Finally, I also set out to add the Surf’s Up Joker to the Classic TV Batman Checklist, but it appears that never was released? I’m not entirely certain on it’s fate, so I’ll leave it up to my readers to let me know – did that ever make it out? Should it be added to the checklist as a footnote?

That takes care of smaller checklists! My time before Armchair Coverage is growing short, but I’ll still got a few 2014 items to add to the DC Checklist and then… well, I’m a little intimdated at the thought of tackling the Marvel Universe checklist, but that’s the last big thing on my pre-SDCC agenda. Well, that and the two other checklists I want to start up. We’ll see how it goes after work tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy the checklists and, as always, if you spot any little things I missed, please alert me via e-mail.

Updated: 11-30-13

Updated: 07-21-14

Updated: 07-22-14

Updated: 07-22-14

Updated: 07-22-14

Updated: 07-22-14

Updated: 01-04-13

Updated: 08-30-13

Updated: 02-03-11

Complete: 01-01-12

Complete: 09-30-11

Complete: 09-30-11

Complete: 09-30-11

Updated: 03-05-14

Updated: 05-28-14

3 thoughts on “Checklist Updates!
Star Wars, 4 Horsemen, Ghostbusters, & Batman

  1. Thanks! These are always cool to see, and a neat way to keep up with the various lines.

    I noticed one minor problem, though: you’ve got the Walgreen’s Boba Fett listed as “summer 2013”.

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