SDCC 2014 Armchair
Coverage! Masters of the Universe Classics!


In recent years, Mattycollector has stepped up to provide news and images from SDCC first and this year is no exception! They’ve updated their news section with their Preview Night Reveals for MOTU Classics!

First up are the two teased October figures from NYTF, Eldor & Sweet Bee!


Masters of the Universe® Classics Eldor™, $25

The October Club Eternia® figure has been revealed! This mentor to He-Ro® was a prototype figure seen in the 1987 Mattel catalog, and he arrives in the 2014 lineup as a perfect companion to your 2009 He-Ro® figure. Eldor™ arrives with his book of transformation, first glimpsed at the 2014 Toy Fair in New York. He comes with a removable hood and wizard staff with deactivated spell stone. Available 10/15.

Masters of the Universe® Classics Sweet Bee®, $25

Her helmet was shown at the 2014 Toy Fair in New York and now the rest of the October Club Etheria™ figure has been revealed! This Princess of Power® comes with her shield, bee blaster and removable articulated wings. This figure will ship only to 2014 Club Etheria™ subscribers in October and will not be available for purchase during the regular October sale or at any time during 2014.

Then, there was the worst kept secret in MOTU, Mattycollector is following in the footsteps of Star Wars with jumbo scale vintage figures. I don’t need a ton of these, but I’m down for a few of my favorite characters. These will be $75 each and will be one a month in the last third of this year!


Masters of the Universe® Giant He-Man® and Giant Skeletor®, $75 each

A new Masters of the Universe® line is coming this fall! More details about all four large-scale figures will be revealed at the fan panel, including information about these two figures, available in September and October, and two additional figures available in November and December.

And finally, Mattel can always be relied upon for one big reveal on Preview night! This year? A full-on Battle Ram!

Masters of the Universe® Classics Battle Ram™ with Man-At-Arms®, $110

The all-new fan-demanded MOTUC vehicle has arrived! The front half is a detachable Jet Sled™ with a snake design, which can be interchanged with the 2013 Griffin design Jet Sled™ that came with Sky-High. The new Battle Ram™ features real rolling wheels, a projectile launcher, and includes an all-new version of Man-At-Arms® with a helmetless head that shows off his awesome ponytail. The figure has double arm armor and “leather” boots, and arrives with mace, a pistol, and a sword that snap into his armor. This special year-end holiday item is not part of the Club Eternia® sub, and will be offered to everyone in our regular sale on 12/15.

The snake head for the Jet sled is the Evil Warriors version, so this might confound an MIB collector, but I think it’s pretty awesome! I had a feeling we’d see this after the Jet Sled was brought back for this month’s re-offerings! The new MAA is an interesting thing I didn’t see coming – I don’t know that I need a new MAA, but I like the changes here to make him more worthwhile.

For more reveals, Mattel’s Mattypalooza panel will be this Friday at 1pm CST! Until then, check out these great booth shots from around the web: ToyArk, AFP, &
