A few weeks ago, Julius Marx, of ActionFigureInsider.com, contacted me about a cockamamie idea.
Julius had decided to gather together a group of like-minded toy collectors for a new podcast. He was looking for individuals that shared his philosophy about toy collecting: that it should be fun, that collections should be curated with joy, and that any negativity that should come up should be managed and reasoned instead of spewed. Oh, and there was one other thing we all happened to have in common. Julius & Noisy? See, those are just code names. Code names for guys named Dan. Put us together and toss into two incredibly talented guys, who also happened to be named Dan, Pixel Dan & Cantina Dan – and *boom* you get a cockamamie idea for a podcast.
While I’m the one Dan that hasn’t met the other Dan’s in person (some day I’ve gotta hike myself out to one of the coasts), I have a tremendous amount of respect for all three of my fellow Dans and was super-excited to be a part of this podcast! Well, maybe not as super-excited as being Sam’s Dad, but this podcast is up there with Toy Fair announcements at least!
If you know me & IAT, then chances are you’ve heard of all the other Dans, but if not here’s a looksee at their great sites:
- Daniel “Julius Marx” Pickett of ActionFigureInsider.com and the Geek Shall Inherit podcast.
- “Cantina” Danny Neumann of ActionFigureInsider.com and CantinaDan.com
- “Pixel” Dan Eardley from Pixel-Dan.com and ToyYak.’
- Daniel “Noisy” Lynch of ItsAllTrue.net
In our inaugural episode (available below & soon to be on iTunes), each Dan recounts their “Secret Origin”, or at least how they came to be who they are online and we get in a little bit of pre-Toy Fair discussion in anticipation of the big show! The plan is to make this a monthly podcast with each episode covering a different topic – and for that, we’d love to hear your ideas. This is your chance to get in the danversation. What would you like to hear us Dan on about? Let me know here at IAT or check out our Facebook page to provide some feedback there!
I’m a fan of your site, Noisy. Regrettably, I won’t be listening to your podcast due to the inclusion of Daniel Pickett. I have absolutely zero respect for him and his advertiser supported views. For someone who disdains negativity he has no trouble espousing it whenever other people disagree with him or his patrons.
I’m sorry to hear that J.A.V.. Like we said in the podcast, he and I have known each other (online) going back 12+ years now and in that time I’ve always known him to be a class act. All these guys are or I wouldn’t have done the Podcast.
Yep. I agree with J.A.V. and Andy. No way will I have anything to do with a product that involves Daniel Pickett. I love your site, Noisy, and believe you when you say he has been a class act to you, but that does not mean he has handled everyone that way.
Plus, anyone who receives hundreds of dollars a year in free product to review is not an unbiased reviewer, but a paid corporate spokesperson. Pickett and Eardley definately fit that description, and as a result have lost my respect.
I do however wish you success with your end of the podcast.
I’m sure I haven’t handled myself as a class act in all my dealings either, so should you write me off as well? I’m not clear on that line of thinking. I don’t know what specific incidents you’re referencing or could link to, but I wouldn’t want to be judged by my worst days so I extend that courtesy to others.
And not that it matters, but Daniel Pickett doesn’t review any of his press samples – his AFi archives are typically offered without commentary, so he doesn’t fit the description. I’ve reviewed press samples, however, though granted few & far between as I’m not as successful as those two dudes. But what if I were – if IAT starts getting press samples, do I lose respect automatically? I’m already pretty positive and lighthearted with my reviews – in fact, I already get “accused” of getting press samples because of the tone I take – so am I just doomed to get lumped in with those fellas if I ever get that popular?
Look, I’m not going to sell these two Dans on you guys – everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but, hey, you trust my toy reviews – you can trust my people reviews. If these two guys were really like you guys are saying – I wouldn’t associate with them. And I say that having known and interacted with them.
The difference between yourself and Mr. Pickett can be summed up in one word, tolerance. I highly doubt you would ever be mean spirited towards someone who took a public stance against one of your advertisers. As much as I value your toy reviews, I have to base my opinion of Mr. Pickett upon his actions. I do miss your toy reviews. I hope you get a chance to publish more soon!
Again, I’m not going to try and make you a convert. We’ve all had days where our inner self says exactly they thing they want to say and then has to deal with the consequences. That said, I’ve hung around on boards with him for what seems like forever now and not experienced that mean-spiritedness, you observed. I’m stuck drawing from my experiences as well.
The reviews should come back next week! I apologize that they’ve been so few & far between lately. I’m hoping I can get off to a good start now that the checklists are updated and the site is redesigned!
Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, but jeez man, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
Sometimes adults have frank conversations about unpleasant topics. There is no need to be alarmed by this. I promise the sun will still rise tomorrow.
Oh, you’re so clever. Cheers!
Thank you! It means so much coming from you!
I’m all about this! If a t-shirt ever gets created…
I think t-shirts are a must!
Great Episode! Just listened to it and I really liked it – looking forward for more.
That was pretty great. You guys are all so casual, it was easy to listen too. Looking forward to more!
Like J.A.V., I’m wary of this too. I agree, spewing hate is bad for the mind body and soul and counter productive. However the team of Pickett and Pixel have been given so much Mattel access in the past, they’ve lost all objectivity on the subject. I’ll give the post Toyfare ep a try, but I’m not gonna listen to someone just white wash everything as ‘Amazing’ and ‘incredible’.
Oh, wow. Nice company you keep, bud.
Good luck with the site, no more clicks from me!
Much success on your podcast venture.
Thank you!
Hey Noisy, just listened to the first episode and it was very entertaining to hear a bunch of girls giggle over action figures. Looking forward to listening to episode 2. Good job!