Tag: Green Lantern
MOTU Classics.Com:
Liveblogging: The New 52
DC Comics Micro-Reviews All Day
DCClassics.Com Review:
Collect & Connect Anti-Monitor
DCClassics.Com Review:
The Flash (Blue Lantern)
Geez, we're filling up the front page on one day's worth of articles! As I mentioned earlier, Anti-Monitor week is running a little long, but I'm still plugging away. Tonight, I've got a quick review of the last regular figure in DC Universe Classics Wave 17: Blue Lantern Flash. Yeah, he's mostly a repaint, but I like him.
DCClassics.Com Review:
Wonder Woman (Star Sapphires)
Anti-Monitor Week rolls along (and is looking at a wee bit of an extension) with a look at this wave's one female figure (shoulda been two, Mattel!): Star Sapphire Wonder Woman. She's gonna be a little difficult for me to review, there's really nothing all that objectionable about her, but I just don't match care for her.
DCClassics.Com Review:
Scarecrow (Sinestro Corps)
DCClassics.Com Review:
Lex Luthor (Orange Lantern)
Anti-Monitor Week rolls on with a review of Lex Luthor during his brief stint as an Orange Lantern Deputy. Normally, I wouldn't be too excited for this particular figure. Two things though: orange is one of my favorite colors. And I love translucent figures. Now, if only I enjoyed crazy, armored up Lex Luthor...