It’sAllTrueReview: DC Classics Parademons!

Fourth in our five part series featuring the eighth wave of DC Universe Classics, this review covers the red and green Parademons.

To be completely forthcoming about my red Parademon review, I need to tell you all something. Tomorrow, I'll be 29 years old. I tell you this because twenty-four years ago, I got some Super Powers figures for my birthday. One of them was the Parademon. So, you should know that if this review sounds overly positive about a certain red one and a little less impressed with a certain green one, it's only because I'm completely biased. I do understand the canonical importance of the green Parademon and I do appreciate it. But I didn't have bills or a job when I was five years old and that Red Parademon reminds me of those good times. Now, on to the review...

Most Requested Figures: DC Universe Classics Zebra Batman

You had to know it was coming.

When I set out with this handy Most Requested feature, I made a list of characters from various lines that needed to be made. Admittedly, this figure was not on that list. I'd guess it was because, even though I would've welcomed one in any line, I really felt there was no possibility. But circumstances arise, things change, and lists get updated. This may be a Most Requested Figure that divides the fanbase, but whatever side you fall on, you might not want to look directly at the image...

Mr. Rant says, “Stop showing unproduced figures!”

img align=left src="" hspace=4>Last weekend’s Comic-Con gave us a ton of interesting news and great pictures of the upcoming toys this year. But there was one thing that stood out to me like a glaring imperfection, and it was something Mattel doesn’t plan on bringing to the fans.

After all the years of rainbow, neon, ultra-violet, and caramel versions of Batman that fans have been bombarded with by various companies, you would think that every variation of Batman’s costume would have been made at least once. But you’d be wrong. As I perused the pictures that flooded back to us from San Diego, a shiny black and white beacon of awesome stared back at me from the Mattel case. Zebra Batman.

SDCC Armchair
Coverage RoundUp

Do you find yourself back at work on Monday morning after a long toynews binge? Not sure if you might have missed something important while you were reeling from another panel's announcements? It' has you covered.

First, we'd like to thank everyone that kept checking in with us over the weekend and especially those of you that sent in links to let us know where to look. We also want to thank all the great sites who were able to attend the convention and beam us back those great images and the latest news (a list of them will follow at the bottom of this post). And finally, a special shout out to RTM and AFI who linked back to our coverage. We appreciate it! Here's a quick re-cap of the four days of coverage with links provided: