Bane Week continues with a look at "Azrael Batman" - at least that's what Mattel calls him on the box. In the comics, he's simply the second Batman, referred to by fans as "Azbat". I don't really care what he's called, he's a cool figure and it's particularly fitting that he's included as a character needed to build Bane.
Bane Week kicks off with a look at Mercury. Mercury is important to your collection if you're trying to build Bane or complete your Metal Men team and that's about it. I wanted to be excited about him, but I was disappointed by some of the design choices. And then, he broke. Kinda put a damper on things...
An odd pair to be sure, but with theme waves coming I figure I should take advantage of the dissimilar characters offered in DCUC16. I've been looking forward to picking up this version of Riddler. I wanted Hex too, but I had fears about how Mattel would handle him. Sadly for Hex, both figures met my expectations.
Got that morning after feeling? I know I do. I not only spent all weekend being abused by toy companies trying to take their money, I foolishly vowed to have all the IAT Checklists updated before the weekend was out (they are!) Once I was done, I remembered there was still that little matter of doing some Armchair Coverage...
Well, they got me. I was able to resist the Batman: Brave and the Bold Action League figures for two years. But when I saw the first wave of DC Universe Action League figures at my local Wal-Mart, I had to see what they were like.
Normally, I gobble up DC Classics releases as soon as possible. I like DC and I'll buy figures of just about anybody. Add that to the fact that I've only seen some figures once or twice, and I've learned to buy 'em when I see 'em. But this 2pk? I left it at TRU plenty of times. It just didn't seem worth it.
We're closing out our Green Lantern Classics reviews with a look at the wave's armybuilder, the Manhunter. I have no love for the concept of the Manhunters, the figure's rather bland, and you're probably going to be wondering why I actually bought two Manhunters by the end of the review.