Bane Week rolls on with what was likely the most anticipated figure from the wave: Robin. Robin was also the variant figure for this wave; getting packaged with either a Bronze or a Golden Age head. I should warn you before we get into the review,, there's been another broken joint.
Bane Week continues with a look at "Azrael Batman" - at least that's what Mattel calls him on the box. In the comics, he's simply the second Batman, referred to by fans as "Azbat". I don't really care what he's called, he's a cool figure and it's particularly fitting that he's included as a character needed to build Bane.
Even though our Requests article isn’t on a regular basis this year, we still want to dust it off now and again to give the companines ideas for figures fans might like to see. Normally, I don’t bring up DC Universe Classics because Matty’s doing a decent job. But after Toy Fair, an idea came to me that I wanted to share.
An odd pair to be sure, but with theme waves coming I figure I should take advantage of the dissimilar characters offered in DCUC16. I've been looking forward to picking up this version of Riddler. I wanted Hex too, but I had fears about how Mattel would handle him. Sadly for Hex, both figures met my expectations.
As a result of enjoying the new DC Universe Action League line, I’ve started picking up the few Batman: Brave and the Bold Action League two-packs I can still find in stores. This has become more challenging since the line was cancelled, but luckily I stumbled across a Batman vs. The Gentleman Ghost at my local TRU.
I did my best to resist the tempation of Batman: Brave and the Bold Action League, but, now that those cute little versions of Batman & Co. have been exchanged for a broader DC Universe line, my willpower has finally lapsed. This week, I snagged Grodd and a couple others to see what I’ve been missing.
difficult to be surprised by toy aisle finds anymore. Back in the day, you could wander into the toy aisle never knowing what might be there. I miss those days, so, with that in mind, I bring you my latest aisle discovery: Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Total Armor: Kickpuncher The Joker. (Yes, that's his actual name.)