Tag: Riddler
Batman Classic TV Series
DCClassics.Com Review:
Riddler & Jonah Hex
An odd pair to be sure, but with theme waves coming I figure I should take advantage of the dissimilar characters offered in DCUC16. I've been looking forward to picking up this version of Riddler. I wanted Hex too, but I had fears about how Mattel would handle him. Sadly for Hex, both figures met my expectations.
DC Classics Update: Wave 16 Packaged & Renegade at TRU
On Facebook today, Mattel showed us our first packaged pics of DCUC Wave 16. I was expecting this delayed wave to be in the Super Power packaging (with buttons!), but it now serves as our first look at the 2011 packaging - the nice part? It's bigger! Plus, some early TRU finds of that exclusive Renegade after all.